Friday, June 3, 2011

9 to 5

Welcome to blog post #2! Its been a super busy and fun first week on the job. I had a great Memorial Day that I spent with Pastor Kaminski's family and a couple other families from the church. I had breakfast, lunch, and supper all provided for me at different homes. It was a really good opportunity to get to know every body better and have a fun day off. I even went grocery shopping to buy stuff for my breakfast and lunches. PB&J, tuna, Spaghettio's, and Rice Dream are few of the staple items of my diet. I snagged a bunch of oranges and strawberries too. I've been addicted to both lately.

Tuesday night was the first college and career Bible study of the summer. Everybody had a chance to get to know each other and discuss some different ideas for what we could talk about over the next few months. We decided to use the majority of our time to discuss how to defend our faith. I'm really pumped about how the Lord is going to use this. Its an extremely relevant and applicable study that more churches should dive into. College students especially face philosophical attacks on their faith and have no idea how to defend against them. Churches have to be more effective in presenting these arguments to believers and offering valid refutations. If the church chooses not to address the philosophical arguments that young Christians are being attacked with then we're going to lose them to the idea that the church is ignorant and outdated. They hear these arguments and ideas from professors on a consistent basis and its the our job to prepare believers against such attacks.  Melissa and I are running it on our own which is a really awesome opportunity! She sings while I play the guitar... because my voice is too "special" to reveal to the world.

I never thought I would say this but I'm actually enjoying office work. Most of the stuff we do is actually exciting. We've been preparing a lot of things for our Vacation Bible School that's coming up in a couple weeks. I've been helping plan for events like VBS along with church barbecues and some other activities. I've been sending a lot of emails, writing letters, calling church members, and making visits. It's crazy how much time and work goes into the activities and programs that I've always taken for granted at church. Our office hours are 9 to 5 but we've really been putting in more time than that every day. Its a reality of ministry and exactly what I signed up for. I need to notify you of another intern mistake. I was so tuned in to the 2 1/2 hour quarterly staff meeting that I got pen ink on my pants. the marks actually kind of look like a smiley face... I think my pants may have been laughing at me.

Wednesday I helped with youth group. I did announcements and played a couple games with the teens. Melissa works with the younger kids on Wednesdays so I played my guitar and led singing... now everybody knows my voice is "special". It was a really good time getting to know some of the teens and doing some more stuff for the first time ever. Pretty much everything I've done this week has been for the first time in my life. I love it because I'm already being stretched and the summer has barely even started.

1 comment:

  1. Spray hairspray on the pants before you wash them - that usually gets the ink to come out. Love you. Guess who. :)
